Lassi vs. Chaas: Beat the Heat & Boost Your Health This Summer!

As the summer sun heats up, nothing beats a refreshing and healthy drink. Look no further than lassi and chaas, India's traditional yogurt-based beverages! Not only are they delicious, but they're also packed with health benefits.

Dr. Trupti Padhi, a Practo-consulted dietitian and certified diabetic educator, explains why these summer coolers deserve a spot in your diet:

  • Hydration Heroes: Lassi and chaas are excellent sources of fluids, keeping you hydrated throughout the day, especially crucial during hot weather.

  • Digestive Delight: The probiotic content in these drinks aids digestion, reducing bloating and gas.

  • Heart Health Haven: Regular consumption can help lower bad cholesterol and promote heart health.

  • Energy Boost: Lassi and chaas offer a natural energy boost thanks to their nutrient profile.

  • Strong Bones & Teeth: The high calcium content contributes to strong bones and teeth.

  • Immunity Ally: Lassi and chaas can support a healthy immune system and may help regulate blood pressure.

  • Weight Management Aid: These drinks can be beneficial for weight management due to their gut health-promoting properties and feeling of satiety they induce.

A Note on Moderation:

While both lassi and chaas offer a multitude of health benefits, Dr. Padhi emphasizes the importance of moderation. "Excessive consumption, especially of lassi varieties high in sugar or fruit, could lead to weight gain or an upset stomach due to their higher calorie content," she advises.

How Much Lassi or Chaas is Right for You?

Dr. Padhi recommends sticking to one or two glasses of lassi or chaas per day. "This allows you to reap the health benefits without any potential drawbacks," she says.

So, next time you're looking for a healthy and refreshing summer drink, consider incorporating lassi or chaas into your routine. Your body will thank you!


  1. Good and healthier version for this summer 🌞

  2. Good for health good for summer good healthy information keep it up

  3. Chill info for this hot summer.. Kudos...

  4. Healthy information....

  5. Haa... very useful this summer...

  6. effective post for hot summer

  7. Good article and healthy post for summer

  8. Effective post for this summer


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