25 Human Facts - We Would have never ever know.

If you fall a sleep while Overthinking, Then your mind will stay active even during your sleep and you will wake up tired.

People who got Goosebumps while listening to music have a special mental condition that makes them extremely emotional to a certain kind of stimuli, this condition is known as Frisson.

People who cry more often have fewer infections in their eyes. The main reason behind this is an element called Lysozyme, which comes out of crying. The eyes of those who cry are healthy.

Our tongue rests on the Upper part of our mouth and not at the bottom.

Disturbing a person while they are sleeping can increase their risk of permanent brain damage.

People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.

The fastest growing nail is the one on our Middle finger and the slowest growing nail is our Thumb nail.

It is believed that lines on your palm can say something about your Future. This is not true. These lines are the Natural Skin Folds and can't say about your future.

Try to pinch your Elbow skin. It won't hurt you because it is the only skin in Human Body which doesn't hurt.

Cracking your Knuckles does not hurt your bones or cause Arthritis, the sound you hear is just Gas Bubbles Bursting.

Women wear Bangles not only for decoration but also bangles activate the center on the wrist portion which increases the blood flow thereby refreshing the body & mind.

One quarter of your body's bones are in your feet. Each normal foot has 33 Joints, 26 Bones, 19 Muscles and 107 Ligaments.

When you stand up too fast and get dizzy, it's because gravity has caused blood to collect in your legs, depriving your brain of oxygen.

Too much stress can cause your brain to 'Freeze' and temporarily shut down.

An Electric Shock to a person's brain can greatly improve their 'Math Skills' for upto 6 Months.

If 100000000 average Humans kept in an isolated place for 8hours, then will emit enough radiations to kill each one of them within 20 days.

Based on scientific research, people who eat spicy food nearly everyday have a 14% chance of living longer than those who don't.

This is a very rare condition in which the victim has two pupils in their eyes. It is known as Pupula Duplex.

Every time you try to remember a dangerous experience, your brain cells break DNA strands in many locations, a new study reveals.

When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activities left. Its the mind playing back the person's memories in a dream sequence.

The Human brain has a estimated storage capacity of 256 Exabyte (256 Billion GB), Equivalent to 1.2 Billion average PC Hard drives.

The probability of you being born is about 1 in 400 Trillion. Now think how lucky you are.

There are 62,000 Miles of blood vessels in the human body, so they could stretch around the Earth 2.5 times.

The Male brain is 10% bigger than the Female's but the Female brain works more efficiently.

Your body is only 11 months old. Almost every cell in your physical body is replaced every 11 months. Except for brain cells, which are replaced after 7 years.


  1. This article is a fascinating deep dive into the incredible and lesser-known facts about our bodies and minds! It's amazing how much we continue to discover about ourselves through science. I was especially intrigued by the insights on how music can trigger such emotional responses and how stress can impact our brains. The sheer intricacies of the human body, from goosebumps to bangles, show how interconnected everything is. It's humbling to realize the probability of our existence is so tiny and yet here we are, living out our unique experiences. Thanks to The Ink Express for this mind-expanding compilation!

  2. Its really amazing facts most of the facts are unknown and useful

  3. Wow... excited to read these facts about humans

  4. Kudos to the writer for articulating something interesting and unknown facts about us. Happy to read the entire content!

  5. Well.. nice collection and appreciation for the effort of the author..

  6. First of all thank you for the fantastic post... worth effort by the author...

  7. Well said... about humans.. Well explained..

  8. Human facts are always amazing... nice article

  9. Mind-blowing compilation of facts

  10. Amazing post


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