Instagram Gets Chatty: Creators Can Now Build AI Versions of Themselves

Instagram is stepping into the world of AI with a new feature called AI Studio. This allows creators to build chatbots modeled after themselves, essentially AI avatars that can interact with followers in DMs.

Early Access and Testing:

  • Currently in an early testing phase, AI Studio is available to a limited number of US creators.
  • Followers will see these AI chatbots popping up in their message requests.
  • Both the creator's username and the messages will be clearly labeled as AI to avoid confusion.

Benefits for Creators:

  • AI chatbots can manage large followings by responding to common questions and interacting with fans.
  • This frees up creators' time to focus on content creation and other priorities.

Examples and Transparency:

  • Meta, Instagram's parent company, showcased interactions with AI versions of meme account "Wasted" and Don Allen Stevenson III.
  • Instagram emphasizes transparency by clearly labeling AI interactions and using an "AI" prefix with the creator's name.

Building the Bots:

  • Meta has been collaborating with participating creators to develop their AI counterparts.
  • The goal is to equip these AI chatbots with the ability to answer frequently asked questions from followers.

Not the First AI Rodeo:

  • This isn't Meta's first foray into AI chatbots. Last year, they launched AI Studio for businesses to build chatbots for Messenger and Facebook.

The Future of AI on Instagram:

This feature represents a significant step towards AI integration on Instagram. While currently limited, it has the potential to revolutionize how creators interact with their audiences. It will be interesting to see how this feature develops and how creators leverage it to enhance their online presence.


  1. After reading this article it creates a wow moment and we can see how technology is stepping up day by day.


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